"The Pokémon you sent into battle... At times they danced like a spring breeze, and at times they struck like lightning. It was with light, yet surefooted, elegance that you led your Pokémon. Even I felt bedazzled by your masterful performance! You now stand at the glorious peak of the Pokémon League. I now proclaim you to be the new Hoenn region..."
Wallace is the gym leader for the Sootopolis City Gym in Ruby and Sapphire. Wallace steps down as a gym leader in Emerald and gives the position to his former teacher Juan, and replaces Steven Stone as the Champion. Wallace specializes in Water-type Pokémon and has Milotic, Gyarados, and others.
In the anime[]
Wallace in the anime
Wallace is a Pokémon Coordinator and once a gym leader and a champion before. He is found on Lake Valor with his Milotic. He encouraged Ash to participate in the Wallace Cup with his Buizel.
Wallace is one of the four judges in the Wallace Cup. Each time a participant completed his appeals (except for Jessie or Jesselina), he stood up and stretched out his hand while explaining just how beautiful the appeal was.
Wallace awards Dawn the Aqua Ribbon when she wins the Wallace Cup.
In the manga[]
Ruby and Sapphire Arc[]
Wallace in the Manga
He agreed to be Ruby's mentor when he saw that Ruby was actually good at Pokémon battles, even though Ruby was hiding it.
Afterwords, when all Gym Leaders had a meeting, they talked about which Team was good, Team Magma or Team Aqua. Though in the end, both Teams were causing mayhem in the entire region.