Azurilland Wiki

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Azurilland Wiki
Solidad's Lapras
Saori's Laplace
Solidad's Lapras
Trainer: Solidad
Gender: Unknown
Ability: Unknown
Debut: May, We Harley Drew'd Ya!
Caught where: Kanto
Current location: With Solidad
Evolved: Does not evolve
Original Trainer: Solidad

Solidad's Lapras is one of her main Pokemon.


Drew has implied that Lapras was Solidad's Starter Pokemon, since it had been with her for a long time. Lapras debuted in the first round of the Kanto Grand Festival where it used Sheer Cold to freeze all the water in the pool. Its magnificent performace earned Solidad second place in the next stage.

Lapras was next seen in the Top 16 battle where it froze its opponents and then Solidad's Slowbro blasted them with Hyper Beam knocking them out. It was last seen in the Quarter-Finals where it was used alongside Butterfree.

Known moves[]

Move Episode
Sheer Cold
Sheer Cold {{{3}}}
Ice Beam {{{3}}}
+ indicates this Pokémon used this move recently.*
- indicates this Pokémon normally can't use this move.


  • It is not actually known which Pokemon froze Girafarig and Zangoose since only the last part of the battle was shown. Slowbro, who was fighting alongside Lapras at the time, is capable of learning Ice Beam but Solidad's Slowbro has never actually been shown using Ice Beam and since Lapras is part Ice type, it is assumed that it was the one who froze Girafarig and Zangoose. Additionally, Solidad's Slowbro was already capable of using four moves, although it should be noted that some Pokemon have been shown using more than four moves in a single episode in the anime.