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Azurilland Wiki
Snowpoint City
キッサキシティ Kissaki City
Map of Snowpoint City
City of Snow
Location info
Region: Sinnoh
Connecting routes: ←West - Route 217
Gym info
Name: Snowpoint City Gym
Leader: Candice
Types: Type Ice
Badge: Icicle Badge Iciclebadge
Pokémon Gyms

Snowpoint City is a city in north Sinnoh. The Gym Leader, Candice, and the challengers inside have a variety of Ice Pokémon. Buildings here include the Pokémon Center, Snowpoint Temple, Pokémart, and the entrance to Lake Acuity, the location of the legendary Pokémon Uxie. In Snowpoint Temple there is a legendary Pokémon called Regigigas who you cannot battle until you have have caught or battled the original members of the Regi Trio.

Snowpoint Pokémon Gym[]

The route to the gym leader is blocked by several snowballs. The player must slip from the higher ground towards the snowball with force to knock it down to clear the route. Maneuvering through the maze that makes up the gym will eventually lead to Candice.thumb|256px|left|Snowpoint City Gym Route


  • On January 12, Diamond Dust will fall instead of snow.

snowpoint gym in the anime

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