Azurilland Wiki

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Azurilland Wiki
(サクラ Sayo)
Region: Johto
Age: Mid Teens
Hometown: Ecruteak City
Family: Kimono Sisters
Class: Trainer
Friends: Ash, Misty, Brock, Satsuki (sister), Sumomo (sister), Koume (sister), Tamao (sister)
Voice actor: Kerry Williams (English)
Debut: Trouble's Brewing

Sakura is the youngest of the Kimono Sisters that appeared in "Trouble's Brewing" with her four older sisters. She is one of Ash's companions in that episode. Her Eeveelution is an Espeon. Her Kimono is pink.


Sakura Beautifly
Beautifly first appeared in The Blue Badge of Courage, when Sakura used it to find the people who stole Kinso's badges.
Sakura Espeon
Eevee → Espeon
Espeon is Sakura's main Pokémon. It first appeared as an Eevee in Trouble's Brewing. By its next appearance in Espeon, Not Included, it had already evolved into Espeon and had a battle against Misty's Corsola. However, it was defeated by the Water-type. It also appeared in The Blue Badge of Courage defeating Misty's Corsola, earning Sakura a Cascade Badge.


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