Azurilland Wiki

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Azurilland Wiki
(カズナリ Kazunari)
Region: Johto
Age: 10
Hometown: New Bark Town
Family: Unnamed Father
Class: Trainer, Breeder
Friends: Lyra, Ash, Dawn, Brock
Voice actor: Christopher Niosi
Debut: DP143: An Egg Scramble!

Khoury is a trainer from Johto who is friends with Lyra. He wants to be a Pokémon Breeder like Brock. His father was in charge of the Johto festival. He and Lyra briefly join Ash, Dawn, and Brock on their journey. Khoury joins them so he can learn more about Pokémon Breeding from Brock. In "A Rivalry to Gible On!", he caught a Gible.


Totodile - Croconaw
Croconaw was originally a Totodile when he got it. It evolved into a Croconaw during a Tag Battle with Lyra, Ash and Dawn, but lost to Ash's Monferno's Mach Punch.
Its moves are Water Gun, Bite, Aqua Tail and Hydro Pump.
Gible was caught on A Rivalry to Gible On! after Ash, Dawn, Brock, and Lyra wanted to catch it. Its known moves are Strength, Rock Smash, and Dig.