Azurilland Wiki

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Azurilland Wiki
This article is about the Manga character. For the main series game, please see Pokémon Diamond and Pearl.
"...why would I do something as silly as that? Escaping is just your opinion, right? I chose the course of action I thought is correct, you're always pushing me around, I wanted to say this before...You're not the boss of me!"
-Diamond in Pokémon Adventures: Volume 33
(ダイヤモンド Diamond)
Dia adventures
Name: Diamond
Japanese Name: ダイヤモンド Diamond
Age: 12 (as of the eighth chapter)
Gender: Male
Hometown: Twinleaf Town
  • Mother
Class: Pokémon
First Appearance:
  • Pokémon Adventures

Diamond or Dia is a Pokedex Holder in the Pokémon Adventures Manga.


He is mostly joyful and is mostly seen to be happy-go-lucky.


One of the main protagonists of the Diamond/Pearl arc of the Pokémon Special (known as Pokémon Adventures in America) manga. He is based off Lucas of Pokémon Diamond/Pearl and Platinum.


Diamond and Pearl Chapter[]

Apparently, Dia knew all along that Platinum was not just a tour guide, though he kept it secret because he didn't want his friendship to be destroyed. Over the course of time, the three continued to travel and became closer friends but in time their secret is revealed.

Munchlax File:Male Symbol.png
Lax is a very big eater. He, as well as Diamond, is almost always seen with food. He is a powerful Pokemon and is at high potential of evolving into a Snorlax.

Lax's known moves are Tackle, Rollout, Lick and Fling.
Turtwig>Grotle>Torterra File:Male Symbol.png
Tru was a Pokemon recieved by Platinum. He is very relaxed and always evolves at the same time as Pearl's Chimler. He is very slow but is a powerful Pokemon.

Tru's known moves are Razor Leaf, Tackle,
Sheildon>Bastiodon File:Male Symbol.png
Don was given to Diamond by Byron. He was Diamond's fist Pokemon obtained besides Tru and Lax.

Don's known moves are Iron Head, Iron Tail and Metal Burst
Lickitung>Lickilicky File:Male Symbol.png
Tung was caught by Diamond after it was following him around. It evolved into a Lickilicky before he caught it.

Tung's known moves are Dig, Me First, Power Whip, Rollout, Slam, Wring Out
Mamoswine File:Male Symbol.png
Moo was originally Platinum's Pokemon but was given to Diamond because he reminded her of him.

Moo's only known move is Blizzard.
Regigigas manga
Gi was caught by Diamond to help defeat Dialga and Palkia.

Gi's known moves are Avalanche and Crush Grip and has the ability Slow Start.


Diamond and Pearl Chapter[]

