"A Real Rival Rouser!" 激闘フルバトル!サトシ対シンジ!! | ||||||
Episode Code | ||||||
DP187 | ||||||
Season | ||||||
Pokémon: DP Sinnoh League Victors | ||||||
Japanese Air Date |
United States Air Date | |||||
Badge(s) | ||||||
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Chronology | ||||||
Episode Plot[]
Mayor Events[]
- Ash and Paul continue their battle
- Paul is revealed to still own the Ninjask he had before he got Chimchar
- Ash's Gliscor is revealed to have learned Stone Edge
- Paul is revealed to have obtained a Froslass.
Characters and Items[]
- Humans
- Pokémon
- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Meowth (Team Rocket's)
- Piplup (Dawn's)
- Torterra (Ash's)
- Staraptor (Ash's)
- Infernape (Ash's)
- Buizel (Ash's)
- Gliscor (Ash's)
- Aggron (Paul's) (Flashback)
- Meowth: A toxic rerun!
- Jessie: And I hate reruns!
- Paul: I purposely let you take out Aggron and Gastrodon so I could be certain of your strategy and exactly which Pokémon you'd use.
- Ash: Purposely?
- Paul: Ever since I brought out Drapion, I've been able to predict every one of your moves.
- Ash: Well Paul, that takes care of your Toxic Spikes.
- Paul: It was a pretty clever move, Ash.
- Ash: Bring it on!
- Barry: It looks to me like Ninjask's not able to use Speed Boost anymore.
- Dawn: It's slower, all right.
- Brock: But Paul still has two Pokémon left. And one of them hasn't even battled yet. All of Ash’s Pokémon have taken damage, which can mean one thing: Ash is still operating at a disadvantage.
- [After Pikachu defeated Froslass, much to Team Rocket’s relief]
- Jessie: I’d take a pause for the cause. [opens a can of juice and drinks it]
- James and Meowth: Stop, Jess!
- Jessie: [gulps, then screams] I'm a profit guzzler!
- Meowth: Well, since we know you, we'll charge ya triple.
- Ash: Gliscor, let’s see what you’ve learned from your training with the Air Battle Master! You ready?
- Gliscor: [nods] Gliscor!
- Ash: [thinking] I know Drapion’s battle style by now, and the only one who can turn the tables on Paul is Gliscor.
- [After Gliscor lands a Giga Impact on Drapion and performed a mid-air somersault, much to Ash’s and Team Rocket’s amazement, and the confusion of Paul and his Drapion]
- Dawn: Now that's the way to be in an air battle!
- Barry: Yeah! Gliscor's training is really paying off!
- Brock: Right! And you can thank the Air Battle Master! [v.o.] Now Gliscor's safe even after not being able to move right after using Giga Impact!