"Uncrushing Defeat!" ユクシーの影! Yuxie's Shadow! | ||||||
Episode Code | ||||||
DP133 | ||||||
Season | ||||||
Pokémon: DP Galactic Battles | ||||||
Japanese Air Date |
United States Air Date | |||||
Badge(s) | ||||||
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Chronology | ||||||
Uncrushing Defeat! (Japanese: ユクシーの影! Yuxie's Shadow!) is the 599th episode of the Pokémon anime series. In this episode, Ash, is recovering from his loss against Paul.
Characters and items[]
- Pokémon
- Humans
- Pokémon
- Pikachu (Ash's)
- Staraptor (Ash's)
- Grotle (Ash's)
- Monferno (Ash's)
- Buizel (Ash's)
- Gliscor (Ash's)
- Piplup (Dawn's)
- Buneary (Dawn's)
- Pachirisu (Dawn's)
- Mamoswine (Dawn's)
- Sudowoodo (Brock's)
- Croagunk (Brock's)
- Happiny (Brock's)
- Meowth (Team Rocket's)
- Wobbuffet (Jessie's)
- Seviper (Jessie's)
- Yanmega (Jessie's)
- Carnivine (James's)
- [The episode begins at Lake Acuity the morning after the full battle, where Uxie's silhouette appears from under the lake, then vanishes. At the Pokémon Center, all of Ash's Pokémon are seen hospitalized under the care of Nurse Joy and her Chansey and Blissey.]
- Pikachu: [weakly] Pi, Pika...
- Narrator: [v.o.] In the wake of a full Pokémon battle against Paul, Ash and his struggling Pokémon are staying at the Pokémon Center on Lake Acuity to rest, heal and recharge.
- James: [o.s.] Bombs away!
- [Yanmega pours some dirt over the field]
- Jessie: After yesterday's trouncing, I sincerely doubt the twerps will be traveling for a while.
- Jessie: Saying they took damage is an understatement at best.
- Meowth: True, but seeing a joust like that makes it worthwhile!
- James: And how! Those warriors were on fire. 'Twas a knock-down, drag-out battle slog fest.
- Meowth: Yeah, and wasn't Chimmy rocking hard?
- James: Yes, not to mention the emotional evolving into Monferno.
- Jessie: But the numbers don't lie, and losing 6 to 2 is a landslide if I ever saw one.
- Meowth: Yeah, bummer!
- James: I'll bet the twerp must be feeling lower than a pit trap.
- Meowth: I'll double that bet.
- Jessie: Attacking twerps when they're at their lowest is Team Rocket rule one.
- Meowth: Can't you turn it down?!
- James: I’m witless enough!
- Jessie: The predator always preys on the weakest of the twerpish herd. The time to pluck Pikachu is now, while the iron is red hot. So we're faced with an opportunity we can't refuse.
- James: It's times such as these that make me grateful for my day job.
- Meowth: If Jessie's yapping was worth money, we'd be rich.
- Wobbuffet: Wobbu, Wobbu, Wobbu!
- Gliscor: [crying in pain] Gli, Gliscor.
- Brock: Gliscor, don't cry. It'll be over soon.
- Happiny: Happiny.
- [while looking how Brock and Nurse Joy treat Ash’s Pokémon, Dawn is depressed and sits down, sighing]
- Piplup: Pip... Pip?
- Dawn: I just wish there was something I could do to help.
- Piplup: Piplup?
- [After Piplup made silly face expressions to comfort Dawn]
- Dawn: Wow, thanks, Piplup. I get it. You’re saying I shouldn’t be down, too.
- Piplup: Piplup.
- Dawn: That’s it! I just had the greatest thought. And you, Piplup, you're just who I need to help me out with this.
- Piplup: Piplup.
- Dawn: [runs off off-frame] Wow, this is gonna be great!
- [Meanwhile, as soon as Ash’s Pokémon are resting, Brock and Nurse Joy are putting away all the healing supplies]
- Happiny: [holding a first-aid kit] Hap, Happiny. Hap, Hap.
- Brock: [takes the first-aid kit] Thanks a lot, Happiny. [puts the first aid kit in the cupboard, then closes it]
- Nurse Joy: Brock, I really can’t thank you enough. You’re such a big help.
- Brock: [gasps] Nurse Joy, I would gladly give of myself completely in order to serve your tiniest desire. [pauses in confusion] Huh? [suddenly notices Croagunk ready to Poison Jab him; hastily] Wait, Croagunk, please! You-you’ve got it all wrong, Croagunk! I was just helping Nurse Joy out! You see, it’s all perfectly innocent! That’s it! [in response, Croagunk powers down Poison Jab, then walks away, much to Brock’s relief] Huh?
- Nurse Joy: [glances at Monferno with concern] Oh, dear. Monferno’s recovery seems so slow. I do think it’s because Monferno took so much damage. Brock, please, do you think you could go into the woods near here and look for some Cheri Berries for me?
- Brock: I’d love too. I’ll be back soon.
- [Cue Brock walking to Lake Acuity, trying to look for Cheri Berries]
- Brock: Finding Cheri Berries is a lot harder than I thought.
- [While Brock is looking for Cheri Berries to heal Monferno]
- Dawn: And one and two, one and two. One and two, great! You’re all looking wonderful.
- Buneary: Buneary!
- Dawn: All right, now it’s Piplup’s turn.
- Piplup: [o.s.] Piplup!
- [When Ash is mourning, he turns over, only to notice Pikachu]
- Ash: [astonished] Huh?! Pikachu!
- Pikachu: Pika, Pi, Pika.
- [Ash gets up and notices all of his Pokémon in front of him]
- Ash: [delighted] Everybody!
- Buizel: Bui, Bui!
- Gliscor: Gliscor, Gli, Gli, Gliscor.
- Grotle: Grotle.
- Staraptor: Star, Star.
- Monferno: Monferno, Monferno.
- [Suddenly, Ash’s Pokémon start complaining about their pain, much to Ash's and Pikachu's embarrassment]
- Ash: [concerned] Oh, man. Please don’t overdo it. [starts laughing] Okay, you’re all trying to cheer me up now, right?
- Pikachu: [regretful] Pika...
- Ash: Right! [gets up] I’m fine now. I’m not feeling sad one little bit. [stares at the sky] Paul sure is tough. He’s got his own way of getting strong, and I’ve gotta admit he gave it his all. That’s how he got strong in the first place. But, hey, we’re gonna get stronger too. It’s not gonna be easy, though. So there’s only one thing to do. We’re gonna have to work harder than Paul. And when we meet up with him again, we’re gonna beat that guy! What do you say, gang? [in response, all of his Pokémon cheer and happily glomp him] Come on. Get off! Hey, guys, get off!
- [a while later, Ash and his Pokémon are returning to the Pokémon Center, when suddenly, much to the Pokémon’s confusion, Ash’s stomach starts to growl]
- Ash: Oops! Guess I forgot to eat something today.
- [Pikachu, Staraptor, Grotle, Monferno, Buizel and Gliscor all laugh]
- Jessie: Well, well. The twerp Pokémon cheering squad.
- [when Ash and his Pokémon came back]
- Ash: Guys, I’m back.
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Dawn: Ash, Brock just told us he saw it.
- [Brock nods in agreement]
- Ash: Saw “it”? Saw what?
- [Nurse Joy and the gang went to the library for answers]
- Nurse Joy: [looking up in a book] The Pokémon that you saw at Lake Acuity... [pointing at a picture of Uxie] Was it this one?
- Brock: Hmm... That’s it! But now that I think about it, the thing I saw was more like a shadow than the actual Pokémon itself.
- Dawn: It sounds to me like it was the spirit of Uxie that you saw. [A flashback shows her and Piplup seeing Mesprit’s silhouette at Lake Verity; v.o.] Just like the time I saw Mesprit on Lake Verity.
- [Another flashback reveals Ash and Pikachu noticing Azelf’s spirit at Lake Valor]
- Ash: [v.o.] And just like when I saw Azelf on Lake Valor.
- [The flashback ends]
- Nurse Joy: Now, according to this book, it says that all three Pokémon have come from the same egg. It also says that from Uxie, who is referred to as “The Being of Knowledge”, comes the wisdom to solve problems. From Mesprit, “The Being of Emotion”, comes the joys and pain of life, and from Azelf, “The Being of Willpower”, comes the resolve to accomplish whatever task may be at hand. And it’s the power of these three that keeps the world in balance. At least that’s what this book is saying.
- Dawn: To think they’re Legendary Pokémon, and the three of us saw them!
- Ash: We saw ‘em all right.
- Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
- Piplup: Piplup.
- Brock: Could it have been an accident? Or do all of these happenings mean something?
- Nurse Joy: It’s mysterious, that’s for sure.
- Ash: Hmm... [laughs] I’m not sure why, but this starting to get kinda fun! Right, Pikachu?
- Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
- Piplup: [to Dawn] Piplup, Piplup.
- Dawn: I’m worried Ash is trying to do too much.
- Ash: [confused] Whadda ya mean “too much”?
- Pikachu: Pikachu?
- Dawn: [singing] It’s nothing. But there is something I wanna show you, though.
- Piplup: Piplup.
- [Ash and Pikachu are confused. Meanwhile, inside the Pokémon Center’s storage room, Team Rocket is threading some sort of net]
- James: But I worry we’re sorely unprepared this time.
- Jessie: Now, now, worry not. The twerp is bummed out to the point of being beside himself, which will enable us the luxury of effortlessly capturing Pikachu with nary a robot in sight.
- Meowth: I’m making sure at least we’ll be shockproof, which is saying somethin’.
- [As for the heroes, all but Dawn and her Pokémon, seat themselves. Cue Dawn entering frame in her Pokémon Contest outfit]
- Dawn: Warm greetings, ladies and gentlemen. I'd like to start off our proceedings by thanking you all very much for coming to see Dawn's Pokémon Circus.
- Ash: [curious] Wonder what Dawn’s up to this time.
- Nurse Joy: You see, Dawn's been working really hard practicing for this performance just to cheer you up, and you'll love it.
- Ash: This is for us?
- Pikachu: Pikachu!
- Dawn: Now, keep your eyes open. We’ll begin Dawn’s Circus with a feat of pure acrobatic skill. [opens the curtains, revealing Mamoswine with a pom-pom on his head]
- Mamoswine: Mamo.
- [Cue Pachirisu and Buneary standing in front of Mamoswine, ready to perform]
- Pachirisu: Chipa!
- Buneary: Buneary!
- [They start to run in a circle around Mamoswine, jump onto him, then pull their faces, much to the audience’s amazement]
- Ash: [amazed] Oh, wow!
- [After Buneary and Pachirisu made faces to make the audience laugh]
- Dawn: Great! Everyone, pose.
- [Mamoswine turns to the audience, then sticks his tongue out]
- Dawn: Ta-da!
- [the audience laughs, until...]
- Dawn: Huh?
- Piplup: [wearing a clown costume] Piplup! [waltzing to Dawn] Piplup, Piplup. Piplup, Piplup. Piplup, Piplup. Pip, Piplup. Pip, Piplup.
- Dawn: Well, so you say you can really do it, Piplup?
- Piplup: [self-assured] Piplup.
- Dawn: Okay, again, pose.
- [Just like before, Mamoswine turns to the audience, then sticks his tongue out. At the same time, Team Rocket is standing in front of the door, ready to storm in]
- Jessie: Hmm... And now, let’s go and find that bummed-out little twerp and make him even more bummed-out, okay?
- James and Meowth: Yay!
- [Meanwhile...]
- Dawn: And now, for the next act, we have...
- Team Rocket: [arrive on screen] Da-da-da-da!
- Nurse Joy: Hey, aren’t they the clean-up crew?
- Ash: Wow, this oughta be good.
- Jessie: Uh... ahem. Testing, testing, one, two, three. Now, how many people do you see [shouting] WHO’RE BUMMED OUT?!
- James and Meowth: [gesturing to Ash] None other than he.
- Meowth: [eerily] Aww, looks like we've got a sourpuss in our midst.
- [everyone else just stares in confusion]
- Ash: [confused] Uh... that’s kinda weird.
- Meowth: That boy's so bummed out, his tongue's too depressed to talk.
- James: Tongue depression.
- Jessie: Let's build on a theme. [to Ash] Rumor has it that someone got crushed in his last battle, and that someone would be you.
- Ash: [confused] Uh... Who, me?
- [When a disguised Team Rocket just snatched Pikachu out of Ash’s lap using a shock-proof net]
- Ash: Pikachu!
- Nurse Joy: Who are you, anyway?
- Jessie: If you don't know who we are, you will soon enough.
- James: Watch the twerps go gaga when the going gets rough.
- Jessie: Shovel may care.
- James: Pick a pair.
- Meowth: Want Pikachu? Well, tough.
- Jessie: We bring chaos at a breakneck pace.
- James: We dash all hope and bring fear in its place.
- [Cut on Jessie and James sitting in a balance scale]
- Jessie: A rose by any other name is just as sweet.
- James: When everything’s worse, our work’s complete.
- Jessie: Jessie!
- James: And James!
- Meowth: Meowth, now that’s a name!
- Jessie: Putting the do-gooders in their place.
- James: We’re Team Rocket!
- Team Rocket: And we’re in your face!
- [Everyone else but Nurse Joy, who is completely oblivious about the situation, glare at Team Rocket]
- Nurse Joy: Wow, what fun.
- Ash: No, you’re wrong, Nurse Joy!
- Brock: Those guys are the bad guys!
- Nurse Joy: [concerned] Oh, that’s just terrible.
- Dawn: So it was Team Rocket.
- Ash: Give Pikachu back now!
- Jessie: If you think we're going to bicker with you when we could be shuffling off to success, you really are a mess.
- Meowth: We got happy feet!
- Team Rocket: [slam the door shut] Ain’t it neat?
- [The heroes start chasing Team Rocket]
- Ash: Hey, come back!
- [Team Rocket giddily run away with Pikachu in their grasp]
- Ash: Gimme back Pikachu!
- [It is shown that Team Rocket is being chased by Ash, Staraptor, Grotle, Monferno, Buizel and Gliscor]
- Jessie: Stubborn twerps are the worst twerps. Seviper, attention!
- Seviper: Seviper!
- Jessie: Please, dear, Haze.
- Seviper: [spits out Haze to decrease the gang’s visibility] Seviper!
- Jessie: Smoke gets in your eyes!
- Meowth: We'll say our goodbyes!
- [Cut back to Ash and his Pokémon caught in the smoke]
- Ash: [groans] Buizel, Water Pulse, quick!
- Buizel: Bui? [forms a orb of water and holds it up, clearing the haze] Bui!
- Jessie: [exasperated] What a bore.
- Ash: Pikachu, Thunderbolt, LET'S GO!
- Pikachu: [attempts to use Thunderbolt, but the net is shock proof]
- Meowth: Keeping the attitude in the bag is what we’re all about.
- [Team Rocket snickers in agreement]
- Ash: Now, Gliscor, Sand Attack! Go!
- [Cue Gliscor hovering above the ground, ready to use Sand-Attack]
- Gliscor: Gliscor! [angrily starts throwing sand] Gli, Gli, Gli, Gli...
- [all the sand that Gliscor threw summons a sandstorm around Team Rocket]
- Jessie: Yanmega, you’re on!
- Yanmega: Yan!
- Jessie: Use SonicBoom!
- Yanmega: Yan!
- Gliscor: [gets knocked back] Gli!
- James: All right, Carnivine, time to take the reins.
- Carnivine: [emerges from its Poké Ball] Carnivine! [heads for James, much to Jessie's and Meowth’s disbelief]
- James: I didn’t say brains, you potted pinhead, I said “reins”. Carnivine, Bullet Seed.
- Carnivine: Carnivine!
- Ash: All right, Grotle, Energy Ball. Staraptor, you use Aerial Ace!
- Grotle: [forms an Energy Ball in front of his mouth and fires it] Grotle!
- [at the same momentum, Staraptor uses Aerial Ace to hit Carnivine, while Energy Ball hits Yanmega, knocking them both out, much to Team Rocket’s shock]
- Ash: It’s time to finish this thing up! Monferno, Mach Punch!
- [Monferno rapidly starts firing several Mach Punches, knocking Team Rocket over and making Meowth release the net containing Pikachu]
- Dawn: That was amazing!
- Brock: Monferno's become a real powerhouse since it evolved.
- Pikachu: [falls out of the net] Pi... [relieved] Pika, Pi! [happily runs to his friends]
- Ash: [laughs] Pikachu!
- Pikachu: Pikachu, Pika, Pika.
- [Cue Team Rocket and their Pokémon being worn out and depressed from their loss]
- James: Even my gloves hurt.
- Jessie: Whoever said that the twerp was bummed from losing his battle and would be an easy mark is an absolute buffoon. Lemme at that idiot.
- Meowth: You're dat idiot.
- Jessie: What?!
- James: Something about going after "the weakest of the twerp herd."
- Meowth: Yeah, and also somethin' profound about pluckin' Pikachu while de iron is hot.
- [James, Meowth and the Rocket’s Pokémon stare Jessie down]
- James and Meowth: [eerily] That would be our loser, Jessie.
- Jessie: [gulps, then angrily starts shouting] Don't you make this my fault! You bunch of babies are in denial! And since you didn't stop me, [pointing at the others] it's your fault!
- James and Meowth: When it comes to not facing the truth, you’re the queen of denial!
- Jessie: [growls] I CAN’T HEAR YOU!
- [Much to Team Rocket’s astonishment, they notice Ash and his Pokémon smirking maliciously, still willing to battle. In addition, all seven are partially shrouded with a glowing light]
- Gliscor: Gliscor!
- Buizel: Bui!
- Monferno: Monferno!
- Grotle: Grotle!
- Staraptor: Staraptor!
- Pikachu: Pika!
- Ash: Hmm...
- Monferno's ears were the wrong color in the scene where Piplup was making faces to Dawn; they were the color of a Chimchar's ears.
- When Team Rocket interrupted Dawn's circus, Mamoswine was behind them, on stage. When Team Rocket is reciting their motto, Mamoswine was standing beside the stage, watching the former.
- In the scene where Ash and his Sinnoh team were striking poses, the bandage on Gliscor's right ear was missing.
- Ash's Monferno is added to the opening sequence. Despite this, Dawn's Ambipom still has not been removed, and the ending has also not been updated.
- Darkrai and Giratina get replaced by new images of Palkia and Dialga respectively in their appearance before and after the preview of the next episode.
- This is the first time since Ignorance Is Blissey that a Nurse Joy owns a Blissey. In fact, Happiny and its evolutionary stages are in this episode as well.
- All of the main characters' Pokémon appeared, James' Mime Jr. excluded.
- Piplup wore the same clown outfit as Pikachu in Lucario and the Mystery of Mew, only in a different color. The color scheme may have been based on Jessie and James' clown outfit in Jirachi: Wish Maker
- This episode marks the first time Brock orders his Croagunk not to Poison Jab him before he does, due to his need to treat Ash's Pokémon alongside Nurse Joy.
- All of the Pokémon Ash has on hand remained outside of their Poké Balls for the entire episode, except for the last minute.
- Cartoon Network returns to displaying the show on its standard-definition feed in its original 16:9 aspect ratio, after showing the previous two episodes zoomed in to fill a 4:3 frame. However, they would reverse themselves again two episodes later, not returning to the 16:9 aspect ratio until Cartoon Network stopped their cropping practices sometime during the week before Sticking with Who You Know!
- When Ash's Pokémon are each seen close-up just before the group attack, they appear in reverse order in which they were obtained by Ash: Gliscor, Buizel, Monferno, Grotle, Staraptor and Pikachu.
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