Azurilland Wiki

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Azurilland Wiki
"Mutiny in the Bounty!"
Season10 ep20 si1
Episode Code
Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl
Air Date
United States
Air Date
JapanFlag February 22, 2007 UnitedStatesFlag July 9, 2007
Badge 1
DP019 {{{epcode}}} DP021

Episode Plot[]

On the way to Floaroma Town, Ash and the others hear some screaming nearby. At a house, a Pokémon hunter named J has just captured a girl named Melodi’s Gardevoir and she quickly flees the scene. Ash gives chase to her, and tries to battle her, only to have Pikachu frozen in stone and stolen just like Gardevoir. They decide to help Officer Jenny and try to help capture J, but eventually she also gets Meowth as well! Before she can take off, Ash, Jessie, and James sneak under her vehicle and follow her to her secret flying base. Now, the reluctant allies must work together to get back their Pokémon from J’s clutches.

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