"Following a Maiden's Voyage" 旅立ち!フタバタウンからマサゴタウンへ!! | ||||||
Episode Code | ||||||
DP001 | ||||||
Season | ||||||
Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl | ||||||
Japanese Air Date |
United States Air Date | |||||
Badge(s) | ||||||
Chronology | ||||||
Following A Maiden's Voyage is the 467th Episode in the Pokémon Franchise and the season premiere of Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl.
In the far-off region of Sinnoh, a girl named Dawn is finally 10 and has set out from her hometown of Twinleaf to meet Professor Rowan in Sandgem Town to receive her Starter Pokémon. Her dream is to take part in Super Contests positioned throughout the land. On her way, however, she gets lost. When she manages to reach the Lab, the three Starters, Turtwig, Piplup, and Chimchar, are fighting and Chimchar and Piplup escape the building. Now it’s up to Dawn to get them all back so she can begin her journey.
Human Characters
- Dawn
- Johanna
- Professor Rowan
- Yuzo
- Professor Rowan's Assistants
Pokémon Characters
- Turtwig
- Chimchar
- Piplup
- Starly
- Staravia
- Staraptor
- Bidoof
- Bibarel
- Buneary
- Glameow
- Mesprit