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Azurilland Wiki
"In that case... I can battle without a worry!"
Crystal in Pokémon Adventures: Volume 10
(クリスタル Crystal)
Crystal HGSS chapter
Name: Crystal
Japanese Name: クリスタル Crystal
Age: 11 (GSC), 13 (Emerald), 16 (HGSS)
Gender: Female
Hometown: Violet City
  • Unnamed Mother
Class: Pokémon Trainer
First Appearance:
  • Pokémon Adventures

Crystal, or Crys, is a Pokedex Holder in the Pokémon Adventures Manga. Crystal comes from Violet City and was born on the 30th of April, with blood type A.


As a child, she had a bad fall resulting in her arms breaking, and learned how to kick Poké Balls with her feet to capture a Pokémon.


Crystal's special skill, as described by Professor Oak, is capturing Pokémon. To this extent, Crystal is referred to as The Catcher.


Just like most characters in the manga, who are based off of the main characters from the games, Crystal is based on the female character of Pokémon Crystal and is slightly based off Lyra from Pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver.


She has been shown to be good at catching Pokémon as she helps Professor Oak in the lab to study, and is mentioned to have captured all non-legendary Pokémon for Professor Oak to study. She later starts to work full time as one of Oak's assistants.


Crystal prefers to use only a select team of Pokémon, so she usually catches Pokémon for others, such as Prof. Oak. She can only afford to take strong Pokémon with her on her journey, so she is very selective on which Pokémon she takes on her team. All of the Pokémon from her team have a star somewhere on their body, so as to not confuse them with wild Pokémon of the same species. She has caught at least one of every Pokémon in the Kanto and Johto regions (except for the Legendary Pokémon) for Prof. Oak, but only 26 of those Pokémon have ever been seen or mentioned.

On Hand[]

Pokémon Information Moveset
FileArchy Archy (Arcanine) first appeared in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". It has star is on its collar. Archy's Moves:

FileCrystal Monlee Monlee (Hitmonchan) first appeared in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". It has a star is on its right fist. Monlee's Moves:

Hg Chumee(Smoochum) first appeared in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". It used to wear a necklace with a star on it, but gave it to Megaree. Chumee was Crystal's first Pokémon. Chumee's moves:

FileCrystal Parasee Parasee (Parasect) first appeared in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". One of its spots is shaped like a star. Parasee's moves:


Natee (Natu) first appeared in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". It has a star mark under its left eye. When Natee evolved its nickname changed from Natee to Xatee.

Natee's moves:

FileMegaree Megaree (Meganium) first appeared in Chapter 91 "Murkrow Row". It was a Chikorita when she originally caught it. It evolved into a Bayleef in Chapter 135 "Lively Larvitar". It evolved into Meganium in Chapter 148 "Lively Lugia (Part 3)". Megaree was one of the 3 starter Pokémon that belonged to Prof. Elm, but it chose to go with Crystal to find its friends. It wears a necklace with a star on it that was given to it by Chumee. Megaree's moves:

In Storage[]


Information Moveset

FileCrystal Bonee

Bonne(Cubone) first appeared in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". It has a star scar on the left side of its skull.

Bonee's moves:

FileCrystal Mr Mime

Crystal's Mr Mime, is the newest Pokémon on her team and as such, not much is known about it, except that it can creat barriers like Sabrina's Mr. Mime. It is at level 44 and has a star sticker on its chest.

None of Mr. Mime's moves are known.

Caught for Prof. Oak[]

Pokémon Information Moveset
Hdth The 3 Slugmas were caught in Chapter 117 "Slugging It Out with Slugma". Slugma's moves:

Sentret Sentret was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Sentret's moves:
Pidgeot Pidgeot was mentioned in"Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Pidgeot's moves:
Arbok Arbok was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Arbok's moves:
Caterpie Caterpie was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Caterpie's moves:
Ledyba Ledyba was mentioned in"Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Ledyba's moves:
Rattata Rattata was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Rattata's moves:
Fearow Fearow was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Fearow's moves:
Hoppip Hoppip was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Hoppip's moves:
Noctowl Noctowl was mentioned in"Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Noctowl's Moves:
Spinarak Spinarak was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Spinarak's moves:
Kakuna Kakuna was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Kakuna's moves:
Oddish Oddish was mentioned in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Oddish's moves:
Catching a Victreebel Victreebel was caught in "Chapter 118 "Three Cheers for Chikorita". Victreebel's moves:

Chris catching pokemon Flaffy was caught in Chapter 119 "A Flaaffy Kerfuffle". Flaaffy's moves:

Catching pokemon Dunsparce was caught in Chapter 119 "A Flaaffy Kerfuffle". Dunsparce's moves:

Staryu The 12 Staryu were caught in Chapter 120 "Surrounded by Staryu". Staryu's moves:

Quagsire Quagsire was mentioned in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Quagsire's moves:
Seaking Seaking was mentioned in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Seaking's moves:
Pineco Pineco was mentioned in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Pineco's moves:
Shuckle Shuckle was mentioned in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Shuckle's moves:
Magby and Phanpy Magby was mentioned in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Magby's moves:
Magby and Phanpy Phanpy was mentioned in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Phanpy's moves:
Corsola Corsola was caught in Chapter 121 "Off Course with Corsola". Corsola's moves:
Qwilfish was caught in Chapter 122 "Querulous Qwilfish". Qwilfish's moves:


The 30 Pokemon Crystal caught for Prof Oak.

Given Away[]

Pokémon Information Moveset
The 30 Remoraid were caught in Chapter 142 " Really Remoraid". In the fight with Lugia at the Whirl Islands, the 30 Remoraid became attached to Gold's Mantine, so she let him keep them after the battle was over. Remoraid's moves:

