This Category is for episodes in the following seasons only:
- Diamond and Pearl
- Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
- Diamond and Pearl: Galactic Battles
- Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
Pages in category "Pokémon: Diamond and Pearl Series Episodes"
The following 85 pages are in this category, out of 85 total.
- DP001: Following A Maiden's Voyage!
- DP002: Two Degrees of Separation!
- DP003: When Pokémon Worlds Collide!
- DP004: Dawn Of A New Era!
- DP005: Gettin' Twiggy With It!
- DP006: Different Strokes for Different Blokes
- DP007: Like It or Lup It!
- DP008: Gymbaliar!
- DP009: Setting the World on Its Buneary!
- DP010: Not on MY Watch Ya Don't!
- DP011: Mounting a Coordinator Assault!
- DP012: Arrival of a Rival!
- DP013: A Staravia is Born!
- DP014
- DP015: Shapes of Things to Come!
- DP016: A Gruff Act to Follow!
- DP017: Wild in the Streets!
- DP018: O’er the Rampardos We Watched!
- DP019: Twice Smitten, Once Shy!
- DP020: Mutiny in the Bounty!
- DP021: Ya See We Want An Evolution!
- DP031: The Grass-Type Is Always Greener!
- DP032: An Angry Combeenation!
- DP034: Buizel Your Way Out Of This!
- DP036: A Secret Sphere of Influence!
- DP037: The Grass Menagerie!
- DP040: Top-Down Training!
- DP041: A Stand-Up Sit-Down!
- DP049: Dawn's Early Night
- DP053: Tears for Fears
- DP064: Riding the Winds of Change!
- DP065: Sleight of Sand!
- DP066: Lost Leader Strategy!
- DP067: Crossing the Battle Line!
- DP068: A Triple Fighting Chance!
- DP075: Our Cup Runneth Over!
- DP076: A Full Course Tag Battle!
- DP077: Staging a Heroes' Welcome!
- DP078: Pruning a Passel of Pals!
- DP080: The Thief That Keeps on Thieving!
- DP082: Cream of the Croagunk Crop!
- DP083: A Crasher Course in Power!
- DP084: Hungry for the Good Life!
- DP085: Fighting Fear With Fear!
- DP093: Playing The Leveling Field!
- DP094: Doc Brock!
- DP102: Shield with a Twist!
- DP103: Jumping Rocket Ship!
- DP105: Get Your Rotom Running!
- DP107: Ancient Family Matters!
- DP108: Dealing With Defensive Types!
- DP114: Another One Gabites the Dust
- DP126: Classroom Training!
- DP127: Sliding Into Seventh!
- DP131: Pedal to the Mettle
- DP132: Evolving Strategies!
- DP133: Uncrushing Defeat!
- DP142: Where No Togepi Has Gone Before!
- DP144: Gone With the Windworks!
- DP145: A Rivalry to Gible On!
- DP152: The Battle Finale of Legend!
- DP154: Mastering Current Events!
- DP155: Double-Time Battle Training!
- DP156: A Meteoric Rise to Excellence!
- DP157: Gotta Get a Gible!
- DP158: Regaining the Home Advantage!
- DP159: Short and To the Punch!
- DP160: A Marathon Rivarly!
- DP161: Yes in Dee Dee, It’s Dawn!
- DP162: Playing the Performance Encore
- DP163: Fighting Ire With Fire!
- DP164: Piplup , Up and Away!
- DP165: Flint Sparks the Fire!
- DP166: The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore!
- DP167: Teaching the Student Teacher!
- DP169: Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue!
- DP174: Last Call, First Round!
- DP179: The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World!
- DP185: Working on a Right Move!
- DP187: A Real Rival Rouser!
- DP188: Battling a Thaw in Relations!
- DP190: The Brockster Is In!
- DP191: Memories are Made of Bliss